Journey To MaryAlice

Join me as I journey to China to find my daughter, Mary Alice.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Photos

What is it about Tupperware that she finds so fascinating?? I mean, sure it's fun and pretty, but this is the "go to" drawer in the kitchen that she can always find some treasure.
It kills me to watch her play in her new kitchen and that she knows what to do with all the tools. My co-worker gave this to her for Christmas, and while I gave him a hard time for giving her something that had 50+ pieces to assemble, it actually went together fairly easy and I only had 2 leftover screws.

There's a little part of me that wants her to wear this for the next 18 years...

And I thought I had bad bedhead!!

I call this photo Tupperware surfing.


Blogger The Gang's Momma! said...

A delight for the eyes as always! I swear, those sturdy little legs in her tights and party dress just about killed me. Sooooo delish.

Happy New Year :)

11:42 AM  
Blogger the mommy said...

Sophia is the same way with all my Rubbermaid containers and really anything she can reach..LOL..Isn't it amazing how they just know what to do in those play kitchens it is so cute to watch..

11:44 AM  

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