Journey To MaryAlice

Join me as I journey to China to find my daughter, Mary Alice.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

RQ Projections

I borrowed this graph from The Rumor Queen. It is her latest projections for the upcoming months. Remember, my date is 1-16-06. Basically, if the number of referrals continues in the "Bad Case" column, I should receive my referral in March. If the CCAA kicks it up a notch to "Mid Case" column, I could possibly get my referral in February. Of course, the Chinese New year Holiday always plays havoc on the timing of the February batch. Usually, they try to get a batch out prior to leaving on holiday. I should travel 6-8 weeks after referral, after I receive my travel approval (TA), make flight arrangements, Visa, etc.

Me thinks I better kick it up a notch too, and start tackling my To-Do List. I've actually attached the "M" wooden letter to the nursery wall and then distracted...worried about measuring correctly...need to focus.


Blogger the mommy said...

I was so excited to see out date Jan 10th on this graph... Come on CCAA Kick it up a notch.....

9:25 PM  

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