Ni Hao, Peng you!
Hello, Friends!
I can successfully count to 100, tell you the date and time of day, and tell you who my family members are, if shown a picture, in Mandarin. That's what 5 Mandarin classes will teach you. I expect to be fluent by December. Of course, I also expect to have won the Lotto by then, as well!! Funny how those expectations can come back to bite you!! Like, I expected to be home with Mary Alice by this Christmas...not going to happen. And, I expected to be able to run a 10K race in October....definitely not going to happen!!
Life doesn't always turn out like you expect...Thank God! If things had happened differently in my life, I might not be embarking on this incredible journey that not everyone is so fortunate to be able to make.
There are referral rumors in the air...hoping they'll get into December 2005, at least a couple of days. The CCAA will be closed next week for the National Labor Holiday, so we believe they will be working over the weekend to finish up matches and getting them in the mail.
I'm gearing up to get back into "Crossing Things Off The List" mode. This includes things like:
1) Get fence gate replaced.
2) Hang pictures in the nursery.
3) Clean out closets (again)!
4) Call daycares (again)!
5) Install straps on bookcases.
6) Repair flooring in shed.
7) Decide on drainfield replacement.
8) Learn how to operate video camera.
9) Finish reading adoption/parenting/China History books.
10) Have carpets steam-cleaned.
11) Start climbing stairs again in preparation for Great Wall.
12) Start reviewing packing lists.
By the way, I feel fairly confident that given the wait and expected time of referral, that Mary Alice has already been born. So, if you could include her in your prayers; that she is warm, well fed and receiving TLC...that would be much appreciated. And also for her birth mother, who will make an adoption plan under unimaginable circumstances...for her, I am thankful.
Sharon, we feel the same way about Sophia. Mary Alice is in our prayers every night....
Sharon, our prayers for the healthy arrival of MaryAlice have been actively repeated for months now, and will continue.
We await that day when you call and tell us that you are on you way to realize your dream.
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