Little Bit O'This, Little Bit O'That
Its been awhile since I've posted anything new, but there's not much new to post, unfortunately. This month's referrals came out on 9-4-07 and they made it to 11-25-2005, so that means there are 52 LID days in front of me. I feel like I've been saying, "Another six months" for the past 18 months, but that is the reality of an ever shifting target. So this begs the question, "Will I become a mother before my 43rd birthday?"
I was thinking about some things that I could post that might interest those who visit the blog who are not waiting parents ('cause they already know this stuff) and I decided to share some information about what happens when I get "The Call".
I feel fairly confident that I'll know the day that I'll be getting "The Call" and I plan on having the video camera with me to record "The Birth". One of the single, waiting moms, Stephe, put together a script of questions to make sure to ask when my agency calls. Here's some of what is included:
Date/Time of Call
Person Calling
Child's Chinese Name
Translation of Name
Date of Birth
Height/Weight and date measured
Other Medical Information
What does she look like?
Full Name of Orphanage/City/Province
Has she been in foster care?
Can her picture be e-mailed or do I have to wait for FedEx delivery?
Current Travel date estimate
I believe my agancy does not email photos, but send the information packet via FedEx, so there'll be a delay in posting photos. Then the calls will start for "The Announcement"...not much work getting done at the office after that. I've got a bottle of champagne at the office ready to chill for the event, too.
That's about it for now. Sorry so boring!!
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