Journey To MaryAlice

Join me as I journey to China to find my daughter, Mary Alice.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Little Bit O'This, Little Bit O'That

Its been awhile since I've posted anything new, but there's not much new to post, unfortunately. This month's referrals came out on 9-4-07 and they made it to 11-25-2005, so that means there are 52 LID days in front of me. I feel like I've been saying, "Another six months" for the past 18 months, but that is the reality of an ever shifting target. So this begs the question, "Will I become a mother before my 43rd birthday?"

I was thinking about some things that I could post that might interest those who visit the blog who are not waiting parents ('cause they already know this stuff) and I decided to share some information about what happens when I get "The Call".

I feel fairly confident that I'll know the day that I'll be getting "The Call" and I plan on having the video camera with me to record "The Birth". One of the single, waiting moms, Stephe, put together a script of questions to make sure to ask when my agency calls. Here's some of what is included:

Date/Time of Call
Person Calling
Child's Chinese Name
Translation of Name
Date of Birth
Height/Weight and date measured
Other Medical Information
What does she look like?
Full Name of Orphanage/City/Province
Has she been in foster care?
Can her picture be e-mailed or do I have to wait for FedEx delivery?
Current Travel date estimate

I believe my agancy does not email photos, but send the information packet via FedEx, so there'll be a delay in posting photos. Then the calls will start for "The Announcement"...not much work getting done at the office after that. I've got a bottle of champagne at the office ready to chill for the event, too.

That's about it for now. Sorry so boring!!


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