Journey To MaryAlice

Join me as I journey to China to find my daughter, Mary Alice.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hop On the Rollercoaster of Rumors!!!

The "Spanish" Rumor Queen site has posted that referrals have been matched to December 12, 2005!!! If it ends up being true...that's huge!! Remember, it's not fact, but just rumor from a so-called reliable source. Rumors are so much fun!! Kind of like root canals...those are fun, too! And septic tank failures...a scream!!!

As my days of living alone in this little house are numbered, I'm looking for ideas to "celebrate" the end of my life in a solo-household. My days of being able to come and go as I wish are numbered. This is for all of you out there (all 4 people that read this blog) to come up with suggestions to mark the end of a very long era. I need ideas. Should I:
a) Have a party
b) Go away for the weekend
c) Take my closest friends (posse, homies, etc.) out for a special dinner and toast.
d) Fill in the blank:___________

This is a great opportunity for you lurkers out there to come out of the closet and leave a comment. Its very easy...just hit the comment button, type your message, type the code letters and enter your name or anonymous. You don't have to be a blogger to leave a comment. Even my Dad figured it out, so don't be shy!!


Blogger Stephe said...

It's funny that you brought this up...I've been think about the very same thing. I had a lovely lazy shopping morning last weekend, splurged on a fancy take out meal, went home and just hung out watching movies until it was time to go to bed. Boy, those days are numbered. To celebrate, I want to spend a day doing all the things that I will find impossible/difficult to do when Giorgia comes home.

To celebrate daily until she's in my arms I will take as many long hot uninterrupted showers as possible, smile every time I'm able to us the bathroom in peace, love that for now my fridge/pantry are empty, sleep for as long as I want and selfishly do "nothing" whenever I want.

Don't get me wrong...I will gladly change my ways when she's home, but hey, I can celebrate my current favorite things to do for now.

Hey, maybe your dad could teach my mom and dad. lol.

8:53 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

Ok, Here's my list of suggestions. It should be noted that I have a 2 1/2 year old:
-Take a long hot bath in candlelight
-Sleep until it's lunchtime
-Admire your clean floors/carpets. Perhaps even eat a meal off of them. No wait, you'll be eating food off of your floor pretty soon. Forget that one.
-Go out to dinner & a movie and stay out as late as possible. Count up the hours you're gone, multiply by $10 and consider how much you saved by not having to pay a sitter.
-Wear all of the nice clothes you own in your closet. Pretty soon it will be all jeans, sweats, and other things you don't mind having little dirty hands on.
-Same goes for jewelry. Especially dangly items.
-Exercise. Ha!
-Buy those favorite pair of jeans you've had your eye on. Pretty soon you'll only want to buy little tiny pink clothes and you'll forget about yourself.
-Practice coloring your own hair. Will save lots of money (remember the $10/hr factor every time you need to go out on your own).

Wait...this is turning into a "things you need to do before Mary Alice gets here" list instead of how you need to celebrate!!!! Sorry! I'm no help!! :)


12:18 PM  
Blogger Diane said...

Sharon, you will love being a mom, but you can say goodbye to going pee by yourself! Toddlers are excellent helpers with the t.p.,too! hehe!
We are getting so close now!

8:21 PM  
Blogger wendy said...

I am thinking good thoughts of the rumor of Dec. 12 being true!
Things to do to celebrate...that's tough, there are lots of things to do!! I like Susan's list, she has a lot of good things.
I would say go out Friday night with friends till at least past 9pm :) and then sleep in really late Saturday. Get up and lay around the rest of the day watching and listening to whatever you want cause soon it'll be Baby Einstein DVDs and CDs. Then Sunday get up and drive to the beach with a good book (a novel), bring lunch, and just chill out on the sand relaxing and imagining the first time you'll bring Mary Alice there! :) It's getting so close...we're so excited for you!!

1:22 PM  
Blogger Sharon said...

Ooh..that's a good one Wendy! But staying out past 9pm...that's just crazy talk!!! I like the beach idea, too!


3:21 PM  

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