Journey To MaryAlice

Join me as I journey to China to find my daughter, Mary Alice.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Nada, Nothing, Zilch

No new rumors to report. Rumor Queen is back up and running, but nothing new to report.

I did learn that there is a possibility that I will not be able to travel to China until after the Olympics. It is really all up in the air depending on when the referrals come in and scheduling everything. I was initially very disappointed and upset, but have recovered and realize there is nothing I can do to control it, so it is what it is. If that does end up being the case, I can only hope that I can travel before my I-171H expires on 9-28-08 so I don't have to renew that again! We shall see....


Blogger Sandi said...

Uhh how frustrating. I am sending you positive vibes that you get that referral next week and that the RQ has some updates. Here is hoping that you also will travel soon instead of waiting until after the Olympics.


5:44 AM  
Blogger Lori said...

We can't imagine what this silence is doing to your nerves, Sharon. Hang in there, honey !!

Lori & Andy

1:19 PM  

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