Journey To MaryAlice

Join me as I journey to China to find my daughter, Mary Alice.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Fingerprints Done...Again!!

This always cracks me up when I go to have my fingerprints done (third time in 2 1/2 years)...Terra Cotta Warriors right in Orlando at the fingerprint office!! They were working lickity split this morning, as it took me longer to get in my car and pull out of my neighborhood than it actually did to have them done. They're all done digitally, which begs the question...why do they need to be redone? It's not like they are going to change!

This may be a bit premature, but do I dare say..."I THINK I MAY BE NEXT!!" Stay tuned in early June for referral news. I'll probably be posting more often as the rumors start to come in the last part of May. I know my friends who got their referrals yesterday are still on cloud nine and have completely forgotten the 28 month wait.


Blogger the mommy said...

Sharon I always thought the same thing how cool that office is in that plaza with the Terra Cotta soldiers? and why do they need to be redone so often...

Yes still on cloud 9 but starting to come back to some place close to earth....It was the best day ever...

YOU ARE NEXT my friend get ready you will be on cloud 9 next month..

Hugs and Love

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The feeling is unlike any other that's for sure! I never believed when people said you will know when you see her face and the wait will fade in your mind, but it does.

I know next month will be your turn and look forward to seeing you go through this amazing, joyful fog we are in right now!

Susan and Jonathan

5:33 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

You're NEXT, NEXT, NEXT!! I am so excited that you are next month! It is just amazing to watch wonderful friends enjoy the moment of a lifetime!

7:04 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

OK Sharon, I have to chime in here:

Sharon is NEXT! Sharon is NEXT! Sharon is NEXT!

Seriously, I think they will do at least to 1/16, and MAYBE until 1/18. I am so excited for you!! YIPPEE!


8:11 AM  

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