Journey To MaryAlice

Join me as I journey to China to find my daughter, Mary Alice.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

I am bound and determined to get a new update posted to Blogger tonight. Finding the time to upload the photos and write a brief text is tough when I have 3 more lectures to listen to and 3 chapters to read over the next three weeks. It would be nice to fit some exercise in too, but that may just have to wait for winter break. I need an extra two hours in the day to keep up with "stuff". MaryAlice has turned into a toddler overnight and is running all the time. She's moved up to the next classroom and is doing well. We're working on numbers, letters, colors, shapes and square roots ;)

I love, love, love The Kitchen Helper and so does MaryAlice. She can climb in and out of it by herself and play with her kitchen tools and pasta to her heart's content. Pretty soon, she'll be packing her lunch herself.

Never leave your face painting crayons in the car while your two year old plays and you unload groceries. They will find them and they're not afraid to use them. She did a pretty good job, I think.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween 2009

Beijing, China

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