Journey To MaryAlice

Join me as I journey to China to find my daughter, Mary Alice.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Barney Is The Man!

I should be asleep, but I'll try to write some semblance of a post. I took a vacation day to take MaryAlice to see Barney Live at Universal Studios. With free admission pass in hand (compliments of AAA magazine insert), we made it through the entrance at 9:15. Only problem is that there is nothing for a two year old to do until 11am at that park. I still may send the complaint letter that I formulated in my head to Universal, if I find the energy. My issue is that there are no times listed on the website for the shows to help people plan their day in the park. I'll get off my soapbox now.

Barney was available for photo ops before the show and the assisting staff was very friendly. They had an indoor (air-conditioned) playground just made for little kids, so we hung out there for about an hour. The show was cute and MaryAlice loved it. She fell asleep as soon as I put her back in her stroller and headed to Islands of Adventure to just check it out. We rode the Cat in the Hat ride, the merry-go-round and played in the water spray park for little kids. We could have stayed there longer, but by 4pm, I was in the words of MaryAlice, "done".


Blogger The Gang's Momma! said...

Oh MY Word. When and where? I didn't know the big purple guy was still makin' the rounds. Li'l Empress LOVES him. Some days, it's the only quiet 1/2 hour slot I get. Thank goodness for Barney On Demand, that's all I gotta say on the subject. :)

8:57 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

It looks like MaryAlice had a great time.I didn't know that Barney was at Universal. She has gotten so big since June. She's so cute.

7:35 PM  

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