Journey To MaryAlice

Join me as I journey to China to find my daughter, Mary Alice.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Read This Post At Your Own Risk

You've been warned. Some of these photos are not for those with weak bellies. I suspect that they will become the classic, "Pull them out to show the new boyfriend" photos. I may start a separate photo album just for those type pictures.

This first one was taken at my sister's house last week where we enjoyed some great food. MaryAlice REALLY enjoyed it!!

I had to show off her lastest trick. She loves it when I blow in her face. She tilts her head back, opens her mouth and closes her eyes. It's like she's breathing in the breathe of gods...or has been smoking something funny!!

You can see that she's sportin' a shiner. Oh, the trials and tribulations of learning to walk. It's almost gone now, but I was afraid to take her out in public for fear that someone would call DCF. She's taking 8-9 steps on her own which is great, but she gives me a heart attack everytime she does it.

MaryAlice loves cats!! Not sure how cats feel about her, but she doesn't care. She squeals when the kitty puppets come on her Einstein video. She looks for my cat every morning and makes a sound that I think is her version of "meow, meow". Here she is meeting my sister's cat...or rather, my sister's family's cat. My sister claims no responsibility or ownership of the cat.

We received MaryAlice's Certificate of Citizenship in the mail last week, so we ventured down to our local Social Security Office to apply for her SS card. OMG!! We waited 2 1/2 hours for what ended up taking 9 minutes to process! 9 minutes! MaryAlice overdosed on Cheerios and fell asleep on the way home completely messing up her schedule. Let me tell you, its all about "The Schedule". Anywho, I treated her to some Chef Boyardee Ravioli (Bad Mommy!) and I'm not sure if I'll ever get that orange tint off her skin. She loved it!

Here is a picture of her little blow up pool I bought her. I can't find my adapter to blow up the pool with a bike pump, so I've been doing it "manually". It should be ready by next summer.

I'm back now to finish this post...So, we also visited my parents last weekend as well. My Dad probably took 600 photos in 48 hours. I know he gave me a CD with the photos. Heck, I think he gave me 3 CD's with the photos (he's a firm believer in extra copies)!! For the life of me, I can't find them. If you saw my car for the trip, you'd understand why. I'm trying to be a minimalist and I always laughed at new parents and all their baby equipment! HA! That won't be me! HA! Who knew??

Anyway, MaryAlice visited with "all the people". She performed her tricks on cue, like we practiced and was generally a good sport. She was even the topic of the homily at Mass on Sunday and after about 7 minutes, let Monsignor know it was time to wind it up!!

Once again, we had some great food. I mention this because I really did enjoy having some home cooked food. Why is it food always taste better when someone else cooks it? I've lost about 10 lbs since coming home from China, which is stange since I'm craving junk food!! I tend to focus on feeding MA and forget to eat while she's eating. I'm sure that will fix itself soon enough. Gotta run...she's awake!


Blogger Kathy said...


Mary Alice looks like she is really enjoying herself. I feel so bad about her boo boo! I love the new pictures.She is just so happy.

9:29 PM  
Blogger the mommy said...

she is adorable we can't wait to see her again.....

9:49 PM  
Blogger Stephe said...

OMGosh the photos are great and your commentary is even funnier! She's such a cutie. I LOVE the photo of you blowing into her mouth. So Adorable.

6:49 AM  
Blogger Julie said...


I suggest for the ultimate in blackmail pics to show the boyfriends is the classic training potty pic. Got one of Kenzie sitting on hers... Mwahahahahahaha! I'm such an evil mommy. But - we live for those moments!

12:25 PM  
Blogger Sharon said...

Excellent suggestion, Julie, Excellent!! Mahahaha!

Looking forward to following your journey to China at the end of the better blog!!


12:35 PM  
Blogger Mike and Rhonda said...

Oh how cute she is. I love your posts, they usually always make me giggle. You have away with words.

5:13 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

Hi Sharon! MA gets cuter with every day! She is so adorable and full of life! Just an amazing little girl!

TAG, you're it! Check my blog!


3:11 PM  

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