Journey To MaryAlice

Join me as I journey to China to find my daughter, Mary Alice.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

A Peak Inside the China Center for Adoption Affairs

This is a picture of the stacks of dossiers waiting to either be reviewed or matched with babies. I believe each agency sends their dossiers all in the same color to keep them organized. Currently they are collecting alot of dust as they wait and wait for the next step. Now its looking like a June/July referral and travel in August/September. I'll be starting the renewal process soon for my fingerprints and US government approval. The approval is only valid for 18 months and fingerprints for 15 months. I never would have dreamed that I would need to renew my documents back when I started this process.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Sad Day for Singles

Yesterday, the CCAA met for their big annual meeting and some new restrictions were announced. Effective May 1, 2007, single applicants will no longer be accepted into the program. This does not effect those already logged in (me). Unfortunately, I will be unable to return to China for a mei mei (little sister) for Mary Alice. Not that I have decided that I will do that, but that door to China is closed if I wanted to. I am so happy that I made this decision last year and I feel sorry for the singles that will not have the opportunity. Countries like Vietnam, Guatamala and Ethiopia are options for singles.

Referral Update: On December 1, 2006 referrals were placed through September 8, 2005. At this point, I'm thinking travel in June/July. Hot, Hot Hot in China!!!

Beijing, China

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